The Hidden Secrets About Your Coffee Grinder


The Hidden Secrets About Your Coffee Grinder

It's a bit of a mystery of what goes on inside your coffee grinder. You put your roasted beans in the hopper, dial in the grind setting, and start the motor. But what REALY matters is the end result in the form of coffee grinds.


CoffeeNotes Beta Release on the Google Play Store


CoffeeNotes Beta Release on the Google Play Store

Currently, specialty coffee dominates the market. But as consumers, in order to fully realize the potential of this higher grade of coffee bean, we must brew these beans correctly. When we simplify brewing instructions into a rule of thumb of say “use 2 tbsp of coffee for each 6 oz of water,” we are ignoring all of the other variables that greatly impact the taste and quality of our brewed coffee.  The primary brewing factor that affects coffee taste is the grind size; it is critical to match that grind size to the type of brewer being used. CoffeeNotes solves this problem by allowing you to input your coffee’s grind size, which is used to calculate the optimum brew ratio for your specific brewer.
